Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Thanks, some thoughts and a quick funny story

So I know its been a while since i've blogged, but thats cause the freedom from technology has been so relaxing...

..anyways, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all of your birthday wishes and prayers, they are truely apprecaited and i feel so blessed to have som many amazing people in my life who truely care for me like you all do. On trips like this i find that it reall opens your eyes to the rest of the world. in the US we live in such a bubble and our society is so self centered it soemtimes sickens me, but that is for another blog.

my birthday was uneventful. we spent from noon til midnight travelling. the bus out of london was stop and go traffic for over an hour, just to get out of the city. and then waiting in lines at the airport for 3 hrs due to a delay. and then the flight and trying to figure out where our hostel in krakow was and how to get there at 11 at night when we can't even pronounce, let alone understand, any polish...but thats really fine with me. i dont know why but ive come to not like the attention and expectations that come with birthdays. it seems like our society places so much pressure on 'having a good day' and 'getting what you want' on your birthday. but i think that is only setting ourselves up for dissapointment because its really no different than any other day, and on any given day we could get what we want or not get what we want; we could have a 'good' day, we could have a 'bad' day. but again i digress as this is not what this blog is for.

that said, we are headed to auschwitz soon. but before the mood gets quite sullen i'd like to share a quick funny story.

monday when we were going through security at the airport in london, the buzzer went off on the items that mark had on him which he had placed in the bucket and then on the conveyor belt. well if you remember from earlier, mark bought a speedo. what you may not know is that he has been carrying it around with him in the pocket of his jacket since he bought it. so when i saw that the security woman was going to go through all of his stuff in front of him cause they thought he had a sharp object, i grabbed adam and we watched from a distance...watching...waiting...hoping...sure enough she strated checking the pockets on his jacket and when she came to the one with the speedo in it...oh man, priceless. i only wish i knew what she was thinking...haha


Anonymous said...

That story made me laugh out loud. Oh to be in the mind of the security person!

Ben - while you may not think your birthday is a big deal or a reason to celebrate, it is the anniversary of the day you came into this world. Without that day, I would be less one important person in my life. That's why I celebrate your birthday, like it or not :)

Anonymous said...

As always, Mark brightens the moment. Cheers to all four of you! Enjoy those brews...............
Brian and JoAnn

Anonymous said...

Im glad you guys are taking time to appreciate all thats around you. I love the history that old buildings offer. I always think about all the people that use to be in the buildings and what their lives entailed...its a cool thought. Auschwitz will be quite the experience. Its important to recognize the sufferings and battles that people before us lived through. It helps us to better appreciate our todays and tomorrows. And remember that while America is a bit much sometime and somewhat superficial, there are amazing people here who love you dearly!!!

Anonymous said...

that story made me laugh loudly. i can just imagine it. i'm SO glad you're having a good time!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Once again your update made my day. I did laugh out loud!!! What color is this speedo pink!!! Funny. Oh my gosh the list of beer is getting longer and longer...any favorites yet. It's hot and muggy here, whats the weather like there?
How was the Hostel in Poland??
Take it all in, enjoy every minute, which it sounds like you are and be safe. Hugs Mom Swan

Anonymous said...

Hey... so glad that JoAnn shared this blog with me.. I've enjoyed reading all of it this morning. It takes me back about 20 years as I remember doing the same thing you guys are all doing. So cool.... cherish these times guys.

My littlest daughter Elizabeth just woke up and is reading your blog over my shoulder. She'll be the next generation to be bitten by this travel bug I suppose. When I showed her the pictures of the 4 of you and explained that 3 of you were my students when you were her age she couldn't believe it. I can't either really.. it feels like a lifetime ago.

Well, if it means anything, I'm so proud of the young men you've all become... and experiencing Europe with your true friends is such a gift. Enjoy enjoy enjoy... I'm jealous too and would love to be 20ish again and do it all over.

Hang on tight cuz your life will fast forward in a blink and before you know it you'll be sitting with your daughter on your lap while trying to read ahead in someone's blog to make sure it's kid friendly.... hahaha

You guys are the coolest!!

Miss Sand