Monday, August 13, 2007

Finding joy in suffering continued...

...sorry i got cut off the internet and couldnt finish what i wanted to say. So it does seem weird to think that that what happened was bad, and on the other hand, that it helped me. What i wanted to say is that even though this was a crappy situation and anyone (even me) would hate to be in this situation, getting a temporary passport, cancelling the credit card, and eventually obtaining a new drivers license coupled with the 'challenge' seemed to help me grow, and so i find joy in that growth, a joy i never want to experience again...haha. That might sound confusing, so simply put-it was a biotch to get all the stuff taken care of, and it is a biotch to figure stuff out when i get back, all in all, it is not so bad, and the experience gives me hope for myself in the future whenever bad things happen again. And thirdly, this will give me one hell of a story to tell, and will give people more amo to tease me with. So, i hope i eased all your worries and i hope that this gives you something to talk about. i am again mark rose.

p.s. i have actually enjoyed brussels, in particular, the waffles and beer. yummy.


mark 'john doe no longer' rose


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear, Mr. Mark Rose is back!!! I'm sure your experince not only helped you grow, we all learned a lesson....thanks Mark!!!Take care and hope your back with your 3 hombre's soon.

Safe travels to you all.

Mom Swanson

Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord Mark, glad you are back. Safe travels to Dublin. Hugs,
Mom Wert

Anonymous said...

YAAAAAAAA - the Flame is back. I wasn't worried about you guys at all. I knew you would figure it out. 4 college grads, good people. None of you got where you are without having had to figure things out along the way thus far. Adversity is how we look at things, we can choose to make it an adventure or we can make it a problem. Whatever hardships we survive only make us better people filled with character. It is in fact called personal growth. And with that I say you are a bunch of characters! Can't wait for some hugs. Mom Burns